Namibiana is a collection of various and diverse genres of information resources written by Namibian authors and/or about Namibia. In as far as possible these resources should be digitised to enhance access and for long ...
This is a collection of various and diverse genres of information resources written by Namibian authors and/or about Namibia. These resources are digitised to enhance access and use.
This is a collection of various and diverse genres of information resources written by Namibian authors and/or about Namibia. These resources are digitised to enhance access and use.
Namibia Open Access Harvested Books (NOAHB) is a searchable collection of peer reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access. NOAHB contains the metadata of 'free to ...
OMUKUETU/OMUKWETU is the newspaper of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) it was established in 1901 by Finnish missionaries of Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. It was firstly known as OSONDAHA then ...
The Inaugural Lecture is an opportunity for newly-promoted or appointed Professors to inform colleagues in the University and the general public, about their research career so far; and update colleagues on their current ...
The Inaugural Lecture is an opportunity for newly-promoted or appointed Professors to inform colleagues in the University and the general public, about their research career so far; and update colleagues on their current ...