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dc.contributor.advisor Grobler en_US
dc.contributor.author Nyambe Mutumwa en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2013-07-02T14:10:03Z
dc.date.available 2013-07-02T14:10:03Z
dc.date.issued 1999 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11070.1/4109
dc.description Includes bibliographical references en_US
dc.description.abstract Preface provided by author: en_US
dc.description.abstract Juvenile delinquency had stirred up debate in the circles of the proponents of juvenile justice. The question asked is why is there an increase in juveniles coming into conflict with the law and what are the underlying factors? en_US
dc.description.abstract These are some of the questions that the research report has addressed. The purpose of the research was to examine the relationship between emotional support and commission of crime by children. The question posed was that, were there children committing crime due to a lack of emotional support from the parents? This was the focal point in the research. In reference to Rankin and Wells (1990:2) they state that a child who is strongly attached to his or her parents is likely to obey their rules and wishes. This is what the research set out to examine en_US
dc.description.abstract Children need the support of parents, but unfortunately this is not the case. Many children have the responsibility of not only fending for themselves but their families as well and this places an enormous strain on children. In the final analysis children need the guidance, discipline and support from their parents to become responsible citizens en_US
dc.description.abstract It is important for parents to instil values in children so that they are able to make the right choices and decisions in life. What must be borne in mind is most of these children come from difficult circumstances that makes their survival a struggle. In essence these children should be granted the necessary support for them to have opportunities that will help improve their situation en_US
dc.description.abstract Summary and recommendations: The research findings have shown that children to a certain extent need the emotional support of their parents, but their definition of the support is based on the provision the parents make to satisfy their needs materially. The findings are as follows: * There are more males committing crime than females the percentages 80. 65 percent and 19. 35 percent respectively, * There are more children in conflict with the law who are not attending school (51. 61 percent); * There are more unemployed mothers with a rate of 74. 19 percent and they are the sole breadwinners in their households; * he majority of the children live with their mothers 42 percent, and 10 percent live with their fathers and children living with both parents are only 16 percent meaning that fathers have left the responsibility to mothers to look after the children; * Only 41. 94 percent of the children are supported by their parents and while 58. 06 percent are not; meaning that the majority of the children even if in the custodial care of either parent have to find means and ways in which to support themselves en_US
dc.description.abstract The other factors were the parent-child interaction how they predispose children to committing crime and they are as follows: * The majority of the children had no form of relationship with the parents 36 percent, while 17 percent indicated that they had a good relationship with both parents, only 13 percent had a good relationship with the mother and only 7 percent had a good relationship with the father. Which indicates that fathers are not actively involved in their children's lives. * The majority of the children felt isolated with a percentage of 73 percent while 27 percent did not experience feelings of isolation in the family en_US
dc.description.abstract The recommendations are as follows:* Extension of the research project meaning there is need for wider study; * Diversion options meaning that children should be taught skills to become more self- reliant; * Fathers should take an active role in supporting their children considering that the majority of the children live with single mothers; * Probation services must be strengthened to assist the young offender en_US
dc.format.extent 67 p en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.subject Juvenile justice en_US
dc.subject Family en_US
dc.subject Social conditions en_US
dc.title Juvenile justice en_US
dc.type thesis en_US
dc.description.degree Windhoek en_US
dc.description.degree Namibia en_US
dc.description.degree University of Namibia en_US
dc.description.degree BA Social Work en_US
dc.masterFileNumber 2445 en_US

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