Ondersoek na lengte, massa en ouderdom van hengelvisse in die Hardapdam, S. W. A select="/dri:document/dri:meta/dri:pageMeta/dri:metadata[@element='title']/node()"/>

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dc.contributor.advisor Schoonbee HJ en_US
dc.contributor.advisor Vermeulen J en_US
dc.contributor.author Bloemhoff Hermanus Johannes en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2013-07-02T14:07:52Z
dc.date.available 2013-07-02T14:07:52Z
dc.date.issued 1975 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11070.1/2912
dc.description.abstract Abstract taken from "Opsommings", RAU 1975, pp. 79-80: en_US
dc.description.abstract 4. Tydens die ondersoek van fisiese faktore is veral aandag gegee aan temperatuur en suurstof. Deurlopende temperatuur-waardes is op sowel oppervlak- as 4-meter-diepte verkry, terwyl sowel temperatuur- as suurstofstratifikasiemetinge uitgevoer is en_US
dc.description.abstract 5. In die ondersoek na lengte en massa is gevind dat- 1, die waardes van log c en n baie kan varieer en slegs as konstantes in die vergelyking M - cL n beskou moet word; 2. geslagte massavoordele t. o. v. mekaar by sekere lengtegroepe asook tydens verskillende seisoene vertoon; 3. empiriese en berekende waardes van massa vir opeenvolgende lengtegroepe baie goed met mekaar ooreenstem; 4. die verband tussen lengte en massa sterk by die verskillende ouderdomsgroepe varieer en_US
dc.description.abstract 6. Waardes van die relatiewe kondisiefaktor varieer seisonaal baie en kan moontlik aan gonadetoestand en broei gekoppel word en_US
dc.description.abstract 7. 'n Direkte verband tussen totale lengte en skubstraal word by beide S. mossambicus en L. capensis gevind. Seisoenale variasie kom ook hier voor en_US
dc.description.abstract 8. Skubbe word gebruik in ouderdomsanalises. Sterk oorvleueling in lengtegroepe word by die verskillende ouderdomsgroepe aangetref. Die sukses van ouderdomsanalises m. b. v. skubbe word aangedui by die gebruik van die Van Oosten-terugwerkformule, waar jaarlikse toename in lengte en massa vir jaargroepe bepaal is en_US
dc.description.abstract 9. Verwerking van die groot hoeveelheid data is deur 'n rekenaar behartig, wat nie alleen tydbesparend is nie, maar ook berekeningsfoute tot 'n minimum beperk en_US
dc.description.abstract Synopsis: 1. This project is the first phase of an intensive survey to facilitate the proper management of the fish population of Hardap Dam. Aspects such as commercial exploitation of fish and angling facilities can therefore be controlled scientifically. 2. Passive gill netting was proved to be the most practical and successful fishing gear in Hardap Dam. 3. A total of 6747 of the six angling species was caught in the period October 1971 -September 1972. L. capensis comprised the largest percentage of the total (49, 4 percent). whilst S. mossambicus comprised 19, 58 percent, L. umbratus 16. 43 percent. B. holubi 10, 25 percent, C. gariepinus 3, 25 percent and C. carpio 1. 07 percent of the total. 4. Special attention was given to the physical factors temperature and oxygen. Continuous recordings were made of temperatures at the surface and a depth of 4 metres. Monthly measurements of temperature and oxygen stratification were also recorded. 5. Studies on the length-mass relationship produced the following: (1). The values of log c and n can vary considerably and should only be considered as constants in the expression M = cLn (2). The sexes often displayed differences in mass at certain length groups, as well as during the different seasons. (3). The calculated mass values for the successive length groups compared well to the empirical values. (4). The length-mass relationship of the different age groups varied considerably. 6. The relative condition factor displayed a seasonal variation which could possibly be connected to condition of the gonads and the breeding cycles. 7. Both S. mossambicus and L. capensis showed a direct relationship between total length and scale radius. This relationship also showed seasonal variation. 8. Scales were used for age determination. The different age groups overlapped strongly at certain length groups. The annual growth for both length and mass was calculated by the back calculation method of Van Oosten. 9. A detailed analysis of the large number of data was done by a computer, which did not only save precious time, but also reduced human error to a minimum en_US
dc.language.iso afr en_US
dc.subject Freshwater fishing en_US
dc.subject Hardap dam en_US
dc.title Ondersoek na lengte, massa en ouderdom van hengelvisse in die Hardapdam, S. W. A en_US
dc.type thesis en_US
dc.identifier.isis F099-199502130000133 en_US
dc.description.degree Johannesburg en_US
dc.description.degree South Africa en_US
dc.description.degree Rand Afrikaans University en_US
dc.description.degree M Sc en_US
dc.masterFileNumber 133 en_US

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