Bottom-trawling is one of the most widespread sources of physical disturbance to the continental
shelf substrates throughout the world. Previous studies have shown that degradation and ecosystem
changes have occurred in intensively fished areas. To date it has been difficult to attribute
ecosystem changes to bottom-trawling intensities at a spatial scale that is representative of
commercial fishing effort. This thesis investigates ecosystem effects of bottom-trawling on demersal
fish assemblages (1990 – 2006) off Namibia and their relationship to environmental variables. The
study quantifies the bottom-trawl intensity using commercial data (2000 – 2006) from the Namibian
hake-directed bottom-trawl fishery for the first time. The thesis further investigates short-term
effects of bottom-trawling on demersal fish assemblages in heavily and lightly trawled areas
experimentally. Finally, it assesses the changes in diversity, density, and structural composition of
demersal fish assemblages in the northern and southern Benguela ecosystems, using the hake
biomass survey data for 2007. The major research questions are answered using various approaches.
Changes in the structure and composition of the demersal fish assemblages are assessed using a
variety of ecosystem indicators known to capture such changes, which may be induced by bottomtrawling. They include size-based indicators such as mean length, slope and height of the size spectra and proportions of abundances by size classes; and species-based indicators such as dominance curves, dendrograms, multidimensional scaling and various diversity indices. Indicators were
inferred using directions of change of the indicator in question, in relation to the expected response
of the indicator to varied bottom-trawl effects and environmental variability. Bottom-trawl intensity
is assessed by mapping the average number of hours trawled in a 1’ latitude x 1’ longitude grid
square and as the average number of trawls per grid square over a seven-year period, using ArcGIS
software. Effort and catch per unit effort are estimated and modelled using general linear models
first, and then generalized additive models or big additive models, with longitude, latitude, depth,
year, seasons, vessel type, and regions as explanatory factors. Bottom-trawling intensity varied
spatially off Namibia, with the average number of trawls per grid square patchily distributed.
Southern Namibia was the most heavily trawled with high fishing effort (54.18 %), followed by
central Namibia (25.06 %), with northern region the least trawled (20.77 %). Most of the effort was
concentrated in water depths ranging 200 to 399 meters, and freezer vessels expended more effort
(71.56 %) than the wetfish vessels (28.44 %). Effort varied significantly (p < 0.001) both annually and
seasonally with the highest effort recorded in autumn and lowest in summer. Temporal and seasonal
variations affected the catch per unit effort, and wetfish vessels accounted for higher catch per unit
effort (64.11 %) than the freezer vessels (35.89 %). Significant (p < 0.05) changes in the mean catch
rates, mean catch length, heights and slopes of the size spectra are observed over the years under
review, and environmental variables (Benguela Niños, low oxygen waters, sea surface temperature,
Angola-Benguela Front position, upwelling favorable wind anomalies, upwelling index), and M.
capensis recruitment index shows minimal effects on the mean catch rate, mean catch length and
heights and slopes of the size spectra, thus the other effects may be partly due to direct and indirect
effects of fishing. Cluster analysis and ordination by non-metric multidimensional scaling, show
changes in the demersal fish community off Namibia and identified three main assemblages
temporally, in 1990–1993, 1994–2000, and 2001–2006. Dominance curves suggest that the three
assemblages are all moderately disturbed. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance and a
distance-based linear model suggest multi-factor combined effects of regions, depth, bottom
oxygen, temperature and vessels play important roles in the observed changes in demersal fish community structure. Effects of hypoxia and changing environmental conditions (bottom oxygen and
bottom temperature) are more pronounced on the northern and central continental shelf and play
an important role in the distribution of demersal fish species. Diversity increases with increasing
latitude (towards the south) and depth, and is minimally affected by the current levels of fishing. The
generalised additive model suggests that total abundance and latitude are important predictors of
diversity. Demersal fish assemblages are compared between lightly and heavily trawled areas
experimentally, for the first time in Benguela waters. Heavily trawled areas are characterized by low
fish diversity, high abundance of small individuals and dominance by a few species. Lightly trawled
areas are less dominated, exhibited high evenness and high diversity. This empirical study unravelled
the immediate effects of heavy trawling activities as a partial cause of changes in the assemblage
structure. Cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling identify three demersal fish assemblages,
namely the continental shelf and slope of northern Benguela, and southern Benguela at 19 % Bray-
Curtis similarity, and their W–statistics suggest that the northern Benguela assemblages are
moderately disturbed. Fish density and diversity increase with increasing latitude and depth. The
separation of the two countries’ demersal assemblages, as identified by cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, coincides with the boundary between the northern and southern Benguela
systems. The changes in composition of demersal fish assemblages observed in this analysis are a
reflection of both direct and indirect effects of bottom-trawling, complicated by varying environmental conditions, such as low oxygen water important predictors of diversity.