Where to publish...

Transformative Journal Titles

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Journal TitleJournal Publisher
Studies in Family PlanningWiley
Studies In Ethnicity and NationalismWiley
Studies in East European ThoughtSpringerLink
Studies in Comparative International DevelopmentSpringerLink
Studies in Church HistoryCambridge University Press
Studies in Applied MathematicsWiley
Studies in American Political DevelopmentCambridge University Press
Studia LogicaSpringerLink
Studia LinguisticaWiley
Studia Geophysica et GeodaeticaSpringerLink
Student Research Forum at the ASP-DACAssociation for Computing Machinery
Structural ConcreteWiley
Structural ChemistrySpringerLink
Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationSpringerLink
Stress and HealthWiley
Strategic Management JournalWiley
Strategic Entrepreneurship JournalWiley
Strategic ChangeWiley
Strahlentherapie und OnkologieSpringerLink
Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and ComputationsSpringerLink
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk AssessmentSpringerLink
sterreichische Zeitschrift fr SoziologieSpringerLink
sterreichische Wasser- und AbfallwirtschaftSpringerLink
Stem Cell Reviews and ReportsSpringerLink
Steel Research InternationalWiley
Steel Construction: Design and ResearchWiley
Statistics in MedicineWiley
Statistics in BiosciencesSpringerLink
Statistics and ComputingSpringerLink
Statistical PapersSpringerLink
Statistical Methods & ApplicationsSpringerLink
Statistical Inference for Stochastic ProcessesSpringerLink
Statistical Analysis and Data MiningWiley
Statistica NeerlandicaWiley
State Politics & Policy QuarterlyCambridge University Press
Starch - StrkeWiley
Sports MedicineSpringerLink
Sports EngineeringSpringerLink
Sport Sciences for HealthSpringerLink
Spine DeformitySpringerLink
Spinal Cord Series and CasesSpringerLink
Spinal CordSpringerLink
Spektrum der AugenheilkundeSpringerLink
Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques ConferenceAssociation for Computing Machinery
Special Care in DentistryWiley
Spatial Information ResearchSpringerLink
Spatial DemographySpringerLink
Space Science ReviewsSpringerLink
Soziale PassagenSpringerLink
Sozial ExtraSpringerLink
Southern Economic JournalWiley
South African Journal of EconomicsWiley
Solar RRLWiley
Solar PhysicsSpringerLink
Soil Use and ManagementWiley
Soil Science Society of America JournalWiley
Soil Ecology LettersSpringerLink
Software: Practice and ExperienceWiley
Software Testing, Verification & ReliabilityWiley
Software Quality JournalSpringerLink
Software and Systems ModelingSpringerLink
Soft ComputingSpringerLink
Sociology of Health & IllnessWiley
Sociology LensWiley
Sociology CompassWiley
Sociological InquiryWiley
Sociological ForumWiley
Sociologia RuralisWiley
Socio-Ecological Practice ResearchSpringerLink
Society for American Archaeology PREMIUM Package online only (AAQO, LAQO, AAPO incl. lease to digital archives)Cambridge University Press
Society for American Archaeology PREMIUM Bundle Package (AAQB, LAQB, AAPO plus lease access to digital archives)Cambridge University Press
Society for American Archaeology Journal Package online only (AAQO, LAQO, AAPO)Cambridge University Press
Society for American Archaeology Journal Bundle Package (AAQB, LAQB, AAPO)Cambridge University Press
Social Theory & HealthSpringerLink
Social Science QuarterlyWiley
Social Science HistoryCambridge University Press
Social Psychology of EducationSpringerLink
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric EpidemiologySpringerLink
Social Policy Association Package (JSP and SPS)Cambridge University Press
Social Policy and SocietyCambridge University Press
Social Policy & AdministrationWiley
Social Philosophy and PolicyCambridge University Press
Social Network Analysis and MiningSpringerLink
Social Justice ResearchSpringerLink
Social Issues and Policy ReviewWiley
Social Indicators ResearchSpringerLink
Social DevelopmentWiley
Social Choice and WelfareSpringerLink
Social and Personality Psychology CompassWiley
So Paulo Journal of Mathematical SciencesSpringerLink
SN Social SciencesSpringerLink
SN Computer ScienceSpringerLink
SN Comprehensive Clinical MedicineSpringerLink