Transformative Journal Titles
Journal Title | Journal Publisher |
General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | SpringerLink |
General Relativity and Gravitation | SpringerLink |
General Anthropology | Wiley |
Gene Therapy | SpringerLink |
Gender, Work & Organization | Wiley |
Gender Issues | SpringerLink |
Gender & History | Wiley |
GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics | SpringerLink |
Gefsschirurgie | SpringerLink |
Gastric Cancer | SpringerLink |
GAMM - Mitteilungen | Wiley |
Games: Research and Practice | Association for Computing Machinery |
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | SpringerLink |
Futures & Foresight Science | Wiley |
Fungal Diversity | SpringerLink |
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology | Wiley |
Functional Ecology | Wiley |
Functional & Integrative Genomics | SpringerLink |
Fuel Cells | Wiley |
Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Physics | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Medicine | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Materials Science | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Engineering Management | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Earth Science | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Computer Science | SpringerLink |
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering | SpringerLink |
Frontiers in Energy | SpringerLink |
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | Wiley |
Freshwater Biology | Wiley |
French Politics | SpringerLink |
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis | SpringerLink |
Foundations of Science | SpringerLink |
Foundations of Physics | SpringerLink |
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms | Association for Computing Machinery |
Foundations of Computational Mathematics | SpringerLink |
Foundations of Chemistry | SpringerLink |
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma | Cambridge University Press |
Forum of Mathematics, Pi | Cambridge University Press |
Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport | SpringerLink |
Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation | Association for Computing Machinery |
Forum der Psychoanalyse | SpringerLink |
Fortschritte der Physik | Wiley |
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen | SpringerLink |
Formal Methods in System Design | SpringerLink |
Formal Aspects of Computing | Association for Computing Machinery |
Forest Pathology | Wiley |
Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie | SpringerLink |
Forensic Toxicology | SpringerLink |
Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology | SpringerLink |
Foreign Language Annals | Wiley |
Food Security | SpringerLink |
Food Science and Biotechnology | SpringerLink |
Food Ethics | SpringerLink |
Food Engineering Reviews | SpringerLink |
Food Biophysics | SpringerLink |
Food and Environmental Virology | SpringerLink |
Food and Bioprocess Technology | SpringerLink |
Food Analytical Methods | SpringerLink |
Folia Microbiologica | SpringerLink |
Folia Geobotanica | SpringerLink |
Flow: Applications of Fluid Mechanics | Cambridge University Press |
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion | SpringerLink |
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal | SpringerLink |
Flavour and Fragrance Journal | Wiley |
Fisheries Science | SpringerLink |
Fisheries Oceanography | Wiley |
Fisheries Management and Ecology | Wiley |
Fisheries | Wiley |
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry | SpringerLink |
Fish and Fisheries | Wiley |
Fiscal Studies | Wiley |
Fire Technology | SpringerLink |
Fire and Materials | Wiley |
Financial Planning Review | Wiley |
Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments | Wiley |
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management | SpringerLink |
Financial Management | Wiley |
Financial History Review | Cambridge University Press |
Financial Accountability & Management | Wiley |
Finance and Stochastics | SpringerLink |
Fibers and Polymers | SpringerLink |
Few-Body Systems | SpringerLink |
Feminist Legal Studies | SpringerLink |
Feminist Anthropology | Wiley |
Feddes Repertorium | Wiley |
FEBS Letters | Wiley |
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures | Wiley |
Family Relations | Wiley |
Family Process | Wiley |
Family Court Review | Wiley |
Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal | Wiley |
Familial Cancer | SpringerLink |
Facies | SpringerLink |
FabLearn Europe / MakeEd - Computing, Design and Making in Education | Association for Computing Machinery |
Eye | SpringerLink |