Sentencing for murder related crimes, is it adequate and should the death penalty be made an option? select="/dri:document/dri:meta/dri:pageMeta/dri:metadata[@element='title']/node()"/>

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dc.contributor.advisor Bampton-Cupido I. en_US Brown Melanie en_US 2013-07-02T14:11:26Z 2013-07-02T14:11:26Z 2005 en_US
dc.description.abstract Abstract provided by author: en_US
dc.description.abstract "Sentencing for murder related crimes, is it adequate and should the death penalty be made an option?" The topic sets out a straight question, but the answer to it is not straight or simple. The truth is that there is no right, clear or wrong answer. We all have our different opinions and feeling towards the crime of murder and the death penalty. In this dissertation, I set out to explain the crime of murder, the punishments for such crime as decided in previous cases and, of course, my personal view and feeling where the death penalty is concerned en_US
dc.description.abstract I've come to realise, that deep down most of us would say yes to the death penalty especially when the crime of murder affects someone close to us, but, where it does not concern ourselves or the ones we love, than it is much easier to say no to the death penalty. In Namibia, during the year 2005, people took up to the streets and protested for the death penalty to be re-considered, because of the gruesome murders and rapes of two minor girls. It is human nature, to become angry over something like that. But, at the end of the day, if one considers everything related to the crime of murder, and our public policy, it seems inhuman to take another life to replace the one that was stolen. Some people may even argue that the death penalty should only be carried out on the most gruesome murderers. But how do one decide what is the most gruesome? Murder is murder, no matter the circumstances, although the crime is sometimes mitigated to manslaughter and culpable homicide en_US
dc.description.abstract The death penalty is a cruel and inhuman punishment, and it could cause chaos if allowed. It might get out of hand as it did in the past, where the death penalty was instituted for petty crimes. With my dissertation and research I hope to help people make up their minds as to how they feel about the death penalty. I'm sure that at the end of this reading, if you have not decided whether you are for or against the death penalty, you'll have made up your mind. en_US
dc.format.extent vi, 53 leaves en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.subject Sentences en_US
dc.subject Capital punishment en_US
dc.title Sentencing for murder related crimes, is it adequate and should the death penalty be made an option? en_US
dc.type thesis en_US
dc.identifier.isis F004-20060710 en_US Windhoek en_US Namibia en_US University of Namibia en_US Research paper (Bachelor of Laws LLB) en_US
dc.masterFileNumber 3166 en_US

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