Abstract provided by author
The researcher investigated and examined the roles of 'Law Libraries, in providing and serving users with Legal information. The types of disseminated information, the need for information to be disseminated, the reasons for the establishment of Law Libraries, other sources of information disseminators of Legal literatures apart from the Law Libraries, Librarians to manage the Law Library effectively and their qualifications. The research study data collection will be in forms of questionnaires and interviews. Data,collection will be done and analyzed. The participants were Legal practitioners from 5 Law institutions (which are Supreme Court, High Court, Law Society of Namibia, Legal Assistance Canter, Ministry of Justice and Office of the Attorney General). The outcome of the collected data is reported and presented. (ALA, 2000). Law libraries have an inherent obligation to provide information service to support legal research, personal and economic endeavors of the members* respective communities, as appropriate to the libraries individual missions. Services in libraries take a variety of forms including direct personal assistant, exchange of information culled from a reierenee source, dissemination of information in anticipation of users needs of interests, and an electronic information.