Abstract provided by author:
The rocks from Roter Kamm carry a complex paleomagnetic signal, which cannot be completely interpreted at this time, primarily due to sampling limitations. The formation of the vein breccias led to decreased magnetic susceptibility, increased AMS and disruption of the regional AMS pattern. Lunar maria, Maria Tranquillitatis and Fecunditatis have been mapped in detail based on Clementine image mosaics and derived iron and titanium maps and using impact craters to serve as stratigraphic probes
The new data indicate that volcanism in both these maria started with low-Ti basalts and evolved toward medium- and high-Ti basalts. However, some of the high-Ti basalts in Mare Traquillitatis, erupted early, contemporaneous with the low- and medium-Ti basalts, and form the oldest units exposed on the mare surface. Mare Tranquillitatis is mostly covered with high-Ti basalts. In Mare Fecunditatis the volume of erupting basalts clearly decreased as the titanium content increased and the high-Ti basalts form only a few patches on the mare surface