Factors that influence job turnover of social workers in the Directorate of Developmental Social Welfare Services (DDSWS) in Namibia select="/dri:document/dri:meta/dri:pageMeta/dri:metadata[@element='title']/node()"/>

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dc.contributor.advisor Masango PNE en_US
dc.contributor.author Mabengano Cecilia Mathe en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2013-07-02T14:10:42Z
dc.date.available 2013-07-02T14:10:42Z
dc.date.issued 20031200 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11070.1/4437
dc.description.abstract Abstract provided by author: en_US
dc.description.abstract A qualitative approach was adopted in this study and interviews were used to gather data about the factors that influence job turnover of social workers in the directorate of developmental social welfare services (DDSWS) in Namibia. A structured interview schedule and a dictaphone was used to collect data from 10 respondents who previously worked for DDSWS for the last five years, who were either male or female and based in the Khomas region. Suitable respondents for the study were selected by means of a purposive sampling method en_US
dc.description.abstract An applied research was utilized as a means to determine and identify factors that influence job turnover of social workers because it focused on solving problems that are experienced in practice. The phenomenological research strategy was used because it understands and interprets the meaning that subjects give to their everyday lives. The researcher intended to identify and understand the factors that influence job turnover of social workers in the DDSWS from the respondents' perspective en_US
dc.description.abstract An overview of the structure and functions of DDSWS were discussed in Chapter 2 presenting the type of services the organization offers. A literature review on factors that influence job turnover was presented, which focused on the description of job turnover; the advantages and the disadvantages of job turnover; the type of job turnover; reasons for measuring job turnover; and job turnover costs. The factors that influence job turnover were divided into three sub-sections namely the personal, internal and external factors en_US
dc.description.abstract The empirical findings indicated that all the respondents were influenced by a variety of factors to leave DDSWS. They identified the factors that influenced their decisions to leave as being low salaries, bad working conditions, lack of supervision, managerial support, promotional opportunities, training opportunities, job, selection and recruitment procedures, motivation, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, economic conditions, worthwhile and many others. The above factors that influence job turnover of social workers in the DDSWS in Namibia should be addressed to ensure that job turnover is maintained to a minimum en_US
dc.description.abstract In addition, the study indicated that management has not realized the full implications of job turnover. In order to comprehend this, management should be aware of the factors that influence job turnover of social workers and devise a mechanism on how to keep job turnover to a minimum. Conclusions were formulated and recommendations made to management on how to reduce the rate of job turnover en_US
dc.format.extent 117 p en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.source.uri http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-08122004-140426 en_US
dc.title Factors that influence job turnover of social workers in the Directorate of Developmental Social Welfare Services (DDSWS) in Namibia en_US
dc.type thesis en_US
dc.identifier.isis F004-199299999999999 en_US
dc.description.degree Pretoria en_US
dc.description.degree South Africa en_US
dc.description.degree University of Pretoria en_US
dc.description.degree M Sd Social Work Management en_US
dc.masterFileNumber 2754 en_US

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