Abstract provided by author:
The stratigraphy at the Gamigab Sn prospect consists of two mainly schistose units separated by a thick marble unit which have been assigned to the Orusewa, the Karibib and the Kuiseb Formations respectively. Two Karoo-age intrusions penetrated the metasediments north of the mineralisation. One is an altered porphyry plug and the other is a weathered dolerite plug, the latter containing xenoliths of undeformed Karoo sediments. Four phases of folding affected the lithologies with the south-south-west trending F2 folds defining the main structures in the region. The area underwent low grades of metamorphism. Temperatures were in the range 420° to 500°C and pressures less than 2 kbars. The effects of contact metamorphism are seen in the south-east and south-west. Regional metamorphism outlasted the deformation and contact metamorphism started late during deformation. Cassiterite is hosted within east-west trending quartz veins that cross-cut previously altered schistose country rocks. The alteration types include sericitisation, tourmalinisation, carbonatisation and ferruginisation. Breccias of probable hydrothermal origin are spatially associated with the mineralisation. These hydraulic breccias occur in antiformal structures within the marble and developed in response to a sudden pressure release due to a build up of fluids at the contact between the schistose Orusewa and carbonate Karibib Formations