Stratigraphie der Karoosedimente der Huabregion (NW-Namibia) und deren Korrelation mit zeitäquivalenten Sedimenten des Paranàbeckens (Südamerika) und des Großen Karoobeckens (Südafrika) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der überregionalen geodynamischemn und klimatischen Entwicklung Westgondwanas select="/dri:document/dri:meta/dri:pageMeta/dri:metadata[@element='title']/node()"/>

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Show simple item record Ledendecker Stefan en_US 2013-07-02T14:07:03Z 2013-07-02T14:07:03Z 19910919 en_US
dc.description.abstract Summary provided by author in published version of thesis: en_US
dc.description.abstract Some bivalves of the species Terraia altissima (Holdhaus) 1918 which are found for the first time in the Huab area belong to an "endemic" Permian bivalve fauna of the Parana Basin. This indicates the correspondence of facies as well as the stratigraphic equivalence of the Gai-As Formation (Huab Basin) and the Lower Rio do Rasto Formation (Parana Basin) en_US
dc.description.abstract Because of geodynamic and environmental relations between both the Huab Basin and the Great Karoo Basin, the dating of the 2nd folding of the Cape Fold Belt gives a minimum age of 258+2 m. y. (Lowermost Kazanian resp. Kungurian-Kazanian boundary) for the termination of the Gai-As Formation. Therefore the Permian age of the Gai-As Formation is confirmed and the stratigraphic correlation of the Gai-As Formation with the Triassic Omingonde Formation is demonstrably false en_US
dc.description.abstract Based on biostratigraphic and radiometric ages from Namibia and South Africa, a timespan from 210±5 m. y. to 149+1 m. y. (Rhaetian to Oxfordian) can be deduced for the sedimentation of the Triassic Etjo Sandstone Formation en_US
dc.description.abstract A Palynostratigraphy for the Karoo sediments of the Huab Basin could not be established due to the lack of pollen and spores in statistically relevant amounts. The prevailing stratigraphies of South America and South Africa lead to different ages of comparable formations of both, the Parana Basin and the Great Karoo Basin. The connection of both stratigraphies with respect to the new results of the Huab Basin shows that the slightly higher ages of South Africa, deduced from radiometric datings, reflect the chronological conditions in the best way en_US
dc.description.abstract In addition the geodynamic and climatic development of Western Gondwana is described. In detail the reconnaissence of the diachronous development of climate for the Parana-Huab area and the Great Karoo area explains the different facies developments of the three basins. The climatic differences directly resulted from different distances of the basins from the paleo-southpole. Fundamentally all basins show a continuous climate-melioration. This development started with glacial conditions of an ice age (Dwyka, Harare), passed cool- and warm-temperate climates and terminated with a subtropical-aride desert environment en_US
dc.description.abstract The whole sedimentation in the Huab Basin was accompanied by magmatism. Basaltic volcanism appeares locally in. the Lower Permian Verbrande Berg Formation and, after the Mesozoic sedimentation, basinwide in the Upper Jurassic. Doleritic intrusions with ages of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous are very common in all the Karoo sediments of the Huab Basin en_US
dc.language.iso ger en_US
dc.subject Sedimentology en_US
dc.subject Stratigraphy en_US
dc.subject Huab river en_US
dc.subject Karoo sedimentology en_US
dc.title Stratigraphie der Karoosedimente der Huabregion (NW-Namibia) und deren Korrelation mit zeitäquivalenten Sedimenten des Paranàbeckens (Südamerika) und des Großen Karoobeckens (Südafrika) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der überregionalen geodynamischemn und klimatischen Entwicklung Westgondwanas en_US
dc.type thesis en_US
dc.identifier.isis F099-199502130000927 en_US Göttingen en_US Germany en_US Georg-August-Universität en_US Dr rer nat? en_US
dc.masterFileNumber 924 en_US

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